The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences ensures that each department provides staff, syllabuses, and research opportunities to effectively impart theoretical and practical knowledge in their respective fields. The primary aim is to encourage systematic thinking and create an enjoyable learning environment. The syllabus is designed to foster analytical thinking and enable students to observe the consequences of their acquired knowledge.

After graduation, students possess the qualifications and ethical values required for their sectors. The faculty offers comprehensive programs covering management, economics, finance, international trade, and maritime issues, providing students with a solid theoretical foundation and powerful quantitative methods. They are prepared to become future decision-makers, raising quality standards and excelling in both theoretical and practical dimensions.

Additionally, the faculty strives to educate students as new global managers, driving their future corporations’ competitive positions. Through international agreements, students gain access to a globally integrated education, bolstering their chances of acceptance into graduate programs while still in their undergraduate studies.

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences: